Thursday, October 15, 2009

Paragraph with thesis

As I sat in the student union after my communications class I began to look around. Everyone was bustling about, eating, talking, having loud phone conversations or just sitting and reading their textbooks with determined faces to pass their next exam. I pulled out my hand sanitizer bottle to clean my hands quickly before indulging in the turkey avocado sandwich I had prepared earlier that morning. Suddenly the girl sitting three feet away from me tapped me on my shoulder and asked if she could have some hand sanitizer because she felt “dirty” after having touched the door leading into the student union. I gave her some no problem and suddenly realized how obsessed students had become with cleanliness. We cleanse before we eat, after we eat, when we touch a door, or even just brushed by and happened to touch a stranger. The student union has dispensers everywhere and the bathrooms have posters telling you how to wash your hands. Have we always been like this? As kids we all played in dirt and ate it half the time with no worries and now we had become OCD clean freaks in these little bubbles. It was evident to me at that moment that maybe students should know about their risks and how to prevent themselves from getting sick. We live hectic, studying filled, high stress level lives that can’t afford to be interrupted by some pesky little flu. Whether it was hand sanitizer, soap, or just more knowledge on how to improve our well being we need to know the precautions we should take and begin applying them right away. Whether it is a pesky flu or the deadly swine flu we must protect ourselves as much as possible if we plan on living healthy lives in a school housing more than 50,000 students.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I. Introduction
a. Use anecdote of day I sat in Student Union and the observations of others and their use of hand sanitizer
b. Include strong thesis statement about the trend at UCF of hand sanitizer and the new found awareness of germs and cleanliness (Answering the question why this is important based on my opinion.)
II. Mention ways in which the trend has been appearing all over campus (How did we get here?)
a. Dispensers
b. Posters
c. Masks at the health center
III. How has interpersonal communication changed? (How did we get here part II)
a. Insert pieces of my interview with my partner and her responses
b. Cite other people’s opinions such as my roommates
IV. Interview with partner (Who else thinks like this? Thinks differently?)
a. Show the rest of my interview with my partner’s perspective and opinion
b. Include Peter’s fear of hand sanitizer ruining his immune system (Transition to five)
V. Address the myth that we become less immune to sicknesses due to the over use of hand sanitizer
a. Including research on the myth, and refocusing on Peter’s opinion
b. Research if it truly has benefited society as whole
c. Research negatives and benefits of its use everywhere
VI. Conclusion
a. Answer the question What if things were different? Would they be better or worse? Why I think this? Think about thesis question why is this issue important?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Analyzing a Commentary

Katherine Dee
Kellsey Bishop
Lorena Lizarralde

1. What is the trend or situation on which the commentary focuses?
The trend is how grooms are now becoming just as picky if not more about details prior to their weddings, we now have groomzillas.
2. Does the author give the reader an interesting introduction to the issue? Why or why not?
Yes the suthor gave a very interesting intorduction tricking the reader into thinking that a woman is picking a suit for a wedding and then develops into telling you the trend of groomzillas.
3. Does the author explain the context of the issue? How in-depth does he or she go? What do you think this signifies regarding the intended audience of the commentary?
Yes the author explains the context of the issue very well by giving examples of wedding planner's experiences with the grooms and explaning the details that they are focusing on. Such as manicures, pedicures and suits. We think this signifies that the author wants to inform bride's to let the grooms in on the planning and share such a wonderful experience together.
4. What are the possible causes of the trend or situation the author explores?
The causes for this trend were explained by the author as women working harder and not having time for details and men caring more about their engagement because they realize 40 years later people will still be talking about it. TV shows have also let this trend become more socially acceptable.
5. What examples or observations does the author give from his or her own life to back their belief that these are the possible causes?
The author does not give any background information.
6. What is the author's stance on the topic?
The author does not give his personal stance but cites other's opinions. He gives examples of women who both love and hate this new trend and shows the audience that the trend is only beginning.
7. What significance does the author see in this trend or situation?
The author sees that this trend will continue to affect couples in the long run and maybe kill the romance for engagements. Too much money is being spent and ruining the precious moments.


Dear Cassie,
As I walk through UCF’s student union I notice one thing, hand sanitizer! Every time someone touches a door, a countertop, or just their cup of coffee I notice they take out that bottle of hand sanitizer and douse themselves in it. Now you may remember that part of the graduation gift you gave me was 5 bottles of Bath and Body Works most amazing scented mini hand sanitizers. I love them and use them all day every day. This makes me realize everyone is addicted including me. We feel cleaner, we feel safe, we feel the swine flu will not reach in and attack our defenseless bodies if we just sanitize. Does it really help though? Have you guys over at UF noticed this as well? Every building has a dispenser, every bathroom has a dispenser, every corner I turn to I see the anti-bacterial substance. Even the way we touch and communicate has changed. I used to be a hugger, and hugged to say goodbye and hello to almost everyone. Now I reserve that for my friends and family, not just the occasional acquaintance I see every Tuesday and Thursday. I rarely even approach my own roommates. Is this a consequence of all the media telling us to be cleaner? The posters around our health center telling us to be careful and wear a mask if we feel a slight sneeze coming on? What if the sneeze is just an allergic reaction? Is it fair I get death glares because I’m allergic to pollen?
Just a couple of years ago I remember that I only thought hand sanitizer was a walking sink. It was the way we would avoid walking to the bathroom to wash our hands before and after eating. It was a convenience, not a protective bubble. I talked to a friend and she seems to agree with everything that I’ve just explained. What happens after we put it on and then touch something? Does it still help then? Aren’t we touching billions of bacteria? Are we ever really clean? Another aspect to this trend is now all soaps and shower gels come with a side note that say anti bacterial. Were they not effective before? Should we buy a specific brand more than another? All this nonsense is surrounding me and driving me crazy, I hope all is well at UF and you stay clean.

10 commentary questions with responses from my partner

1. When did the craze about hand sanitizers begin? Before the swine flu?
2. Has the use of hand sanitizer truly lowered the cases of people with the flu?
3. Has the increase in hygiene awareness changed the way you touch your friends, family, co workers?
4. Posters, have you really learned new things from the posters that show students how to cough and sneeze?
5. Has the increase in awareness of hygiene increased the sales of companies selling hand sanitizer?
6. How do you know what you know? (evidence)
7. Who are you to the subject? (perspective)
8. How is this event connected to other events? (patterns or opposing forces)
9. What if things were different? (suppositions/predictions)
10. Why is this important? (significance)



1. My partner believes that yes the craze about hand sanitizer came before the swine flu pandemic. She noticed that UCF installed all the hand sanitizer dispensers before we all knew of the swine flu.
2. She feels that people are probably not as sick because they are more aware of their surroundings and use hand sanitizer more often.
3. She still hugs her friends and family members but feels a lot more cautious about shaking hands or approaching a stranger.
4. She now knows the importance about coughing into the inside of your elbow instead of your hand and tries to apply this new knowledge every chance she gets.
5. She believes it definitely has, especially considering now many stores and companies that never sold it before have it by the tons for the customers.
6.Hilarion believes she knows all this from observations of others and her own change in personal behavior.
7. Hilarion herself is a part of the subject because she is also obsessed with having ehr hand sanitizer bottle on her at all times.
8. This trend is realted a lot to the swine flu pandemic and to the trend of convenience and learning to be more hygenic in general terms.
9. People would be a bit dirtier and be at risk more thorughout a normal day and risk ingesting bacteria all day if you didn't clean your hands prior to eating.
10. This is important becuase people need to be aware of their surroundings and cleanliness to live better longer lives

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Embellishing on commentary idea

A trend I notice here at UCF and most places I go nowadays that seems to stick out to me is the hand sanitizer trend. Everyone carries a bottle of hand sanitizer on their keychain or in their purse. The school has dispensers at every corner and now military bases and hospitals have their spaces filled with it as well. The swine flu pandemic is a big contributor to this hand sanitizer craze. At UCF we even have a student that hands out free bottles outside the student union every Friday as long as you answer some basic questions about how to cough and avoid contaminating yourself. As I sit and observe I notice people cringe and back away from the slightest sneeze or cough and right away pull out that hand sanitizer and douse themselves in it, some even up to their elbows. It made me wonder, has this increase in hygiene really lowered the number of flu contaminations? Has it truly helped us? Or is it all in our heads? Along with this topic I have heard many myths, including the fact that one becomes immune to the hand sanitizer if used excessively. Posters telling one how to cough, sneeze, and even wash our hands have popped up everywhere too. I’m sure people many years ago would never have thought that they needed and ad to tell them how to cough. The hand sanitizer trend has affected me greatly. It makes me feel like I’m in a bubble that protects me from all the bacteria in the world when I take out my favorite Japanese Cherry Blossom hand sanitizer from Bath and Body Works. This also makes me wonder if sales have increased in stores such as Bath and Body Works that sell these mini hand sanitizer bottles in scents that range from every flower possible to warm vanilla. As I observe my close friends and family members I notice they have also decided that the little squirt of hand sanitizer on their flesh creates a shield against our foe, the swine flu.